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Author: rockcrawler

EMBRACE! Time for some Punishment.

EMBRACE! Time for some Punishment.

Today was Hell On The Hills which is everything as tough as it sounds! Seven hill reps in the sun and then a steady climb up the Punisher, a 20% hill out near Praia da Boca do Rio a tiny little gorgeous looking beach roughly halfway between Lagos and Sagres. We were lucky to have the sun back this morning, with temperature around the 20 mark, but a strong wind was coming up off the coast, making the sea look…

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EMBRACE! Track day

EMBRACE! Track day

Yay! It’s track day. I do love a good speedy track session. Today’s plan after an additional 30mins lie in, was to head to the Lagos running track and after a 1 mile warm up, do 4 sets of 800m/400m/200m intervals, each with 70secs recovery between and a slow 200m walk between sets. Ugh 800ms! Checking out my track stats from my last Embrace trip, we’d done 12x400m with the 400m intervals at about 3:45mins/km, so I had a rough…

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EMBRACE! Woodland Trail Run

EMBRACE! Woodland Trail Run

After a 5kish recovery run last night down the hill to the Lagos Marina (and back up the hill again through the old town!), we stuffed our faces with beef bourguignon, mash, beer and red wine and then headed to bed earlyish (10pm OMG!) so we could be up and ready for today. Monday was the Woodland Trail Endurance run. This is probably my favourite run of the weekend; 1-4 laps of a 5ish mile woodland trail under the soothing…

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(Don’t) follow the leader. Spring Trail Series – Bakewell

(Don’t) follow the leader. Spring Trail Series – Bakewell

This year I managed to sign up for the full Spring Trail Series hosted by Dark and White Events. This is three 15k-ish up and down the hills in the Peak District during the spring. I’ve run a couple of their events before, and was really looking forward do this. Last year, I ran the last event in the series at Low Bradfield and came well into the “Gold” pace bracket, setting me up for what I hoped would be…

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EMBRACE! Portugal Running.

EMBRACE! Portugal Running.

I’m out in Portugal on another Embrace Sports running holiday. I’ve been out here twice before, but never managed to really write about it beyond the odd mention in summary posts. Let’s see if I can do the holiday a bit of justice. Liz and I flew out yesterday (Saturday) after a pretty over crowded train journey to Manchester airport. Why can’t Virgin trains get their act together so getting to the airport with luggage isn’t a complete nightmare? The…

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I’d never run a 5 mile race

I’d never run a 5 mile race

and I still haven’t…! But before that, the first “race” since my last update: Just a Hillsborough Parkrun, but it was on the Sheffield Running Club championship calendar, so counts for their competition. Annoyingly I’d succumbed to the lurg at the back end of January, which included a couple of days struck down on the sofa. Although I’d resurfaced from that mostly, it appeared that I caught another cold! 🙁 This meant that instead of getting a good chance to…

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Run every day?

Run every day?

Running legend Ron Hill ran every day for over 52 years.  That’s 19,032 days of running.  Holy crap! I’ve never really got on with the idea of streak running. It always felt like it would be that little too much.  The tightness of my calves and achilles complain enough when my marathon training is picking up properly halfway through training plans.  However, December changed this. Looking at my Strava totals towards the end of last year, I realised that I…

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Yorkshire Cross Country Championships 2019

Yorkshire Cross Country Championships 2019

(picture from Original can be seen here) My first race of the year for Sheffield Running Club was up at Ripon at Lightwater Valley Park which makes an interesting venue for a race! Setting off at 9:30ish, we got there just before 11 and with the Mens race not starting till after 2pm, we had quite a bit of time to kill! The course was on a field entirely inside the tracks of “The Ultimate” the big roller coaster, with…

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Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

I’ve been really bad at doing any updates here, with the exception of the splurge while I was out at Fontainebleau. I’m not really sure why the blogging died off, as I was enjoying, it, but I suspect it’s just a factor of being so much more busy recently. In the last year, I’ve gone 3 days a week in my desk job, and then filling in the rest of the time doing Sports Massage (under Rock Run Relax) and…

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A mid climbing holiday run!

A mid climbing holiday run!

I’ve mentioned Le Circuits Des 25 Bosses a couple of times in my blog now, so I thought it might make sense to give you all a better sense of wha it was like.   When we went out and ran it on our rest day during our climbing holiday, Andy took his GoPro and took rather a lot of footage.  He threw this video together with lots of interesting clips of us running it. It’s a bit long at nearly 27…

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