A mid climbing holiday run!
I’ve mentioned Le Circuits Des 25 Bosses a couple of times in my blog now, so I thought it might make sense to give you all a better sense of wha it was like. When we went out and ran it on our rest day during our climbing holiday, Andy took his GoPro and took rather a lot of footage. He threw this video together with lots of interesting clips of us running it.
It’s a bit long at nearly 27 minutes for your average watcher to see us hacking our way around the hills and rocks of the Trois Pignon, but it’s nice to skip through if you want to get an idea of it. It’s funny how shell shocked the group look at the top of the first hill in the few minutes and then comparing that to just how knackered we were by the end 😀
Remember, this was part of “Simultaneously the best and worst long training run of my life” so bear that in mind when seeing how slow we appear to be 🙂