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Tag: Ultra

Challenges new, Sunny España and the KMF Double

Challenges new, Sunny España and the KMF Double

Argh! Well overdue for a blog post. I started this thinking I could just update about the two races I’d just done, but I’ve realised my last post was for Font last year and there has actually been quite a bit happen since then! So, what’s happened? Climbing I’m been taking advantage of my part-time work life and have been doing quite a bit of indoor roped climbing. Not really sure if I’d mentioned this on here, but pretty much…

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Firelighter 2021 Ultra

Firelighter 2021 Ultra

An interesting choice for my first ultra, but I signed up to run it with Liz who had chosen it as a target crazy race. We both had a very disturbed year of training leading up to it with injuries getting in the way of us doing the consistent number of long runs I’d intended to build the fitness. With Liz’s runners knee flaring up, I refocused her on practising using running poles which turned out to be a very…

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