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Tag: Spain

Challenges new, Sunny España and the KMF Double

Challenges new, Sunny España and the KMF Double

Argh! Well overdue for a blog post. I started this thinking I could just update about the two races I’d just done, but I’ve realised my last post was for Font last year and there has actually been quite a bit happen since then! So, what’s happened? Climbing I’m been taking advantage of my part-time work life and have been doing quite a bit of indoor roped climbing. Not really sure if I’d mentioned this on here, but pretty much…

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Help! I’ve gone to Spain in winter and it’s lovely.

Help! I’ve gone to Spain in winter and it’s lovely.

So, when I was up in Scotland running that crazy crazy race, Rowan kept dropping a few hints about how he was going to Spain at the end of November for some winter climbing in the sun with his friend Simon. “Ha, that sound lovely” I thought to myself. Once I’d got back from the race, Anya started hassling me. Well, it turns out she really fancied going to Spain too, and if she was going, she really needed a…

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Sporadic Updates, Sporadic Climbing and shed load of running

Sporadic Updates, Sporadic Climbing and shed load of running

It’s been an awful long time since I’ve updated here. It’s also had been an awful long time since I bouldered! The running kinda took over in 2013, culminating with running and completing the my first Marathon, the first York Marathon. I’d set myself a public goal of under 4hrs 30mins, and a private target of actually breaking 4 hours, and surprisingly I managed it! All the training for that though made a lot of climbing a bit more difficult….

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