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Tag: Skyrunning

Scafell Sky Race: Sometimes you’ve just gotta grind it out…

Scafell Sky Race: Sometimes you’ve just gotta grind it out…

Ah yes, I should probably squeeze some sort of update out about the old running thang. I’ve become really bad at getting regular updates on here, so it tends to only be big events that make me sit down and hit the keyboard a bit. So, it’s been a couple of days since what was my first A race for the year. This was the big one for the year, the RAB Scafell Sky Race. 40km (ish) up a bunch…

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The Death of Quads: The Salomon Ring of Steall 2022

The Death of Quads: The Salomon Ring of Steall 2022

2022 had started just as badly as 2021 did with a return of my ankle issues. Pretty much exactly the same scenario as last year where my training was going really well and I was getting close to race time when *bang* it goes. This time it was worse, as my foot went basically at the start of a 21k tough trail run loop from Whitby to Robin Hood’s Bay and back and I just ran/limped on it. Dumbass. That…

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