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Tag: Race

Amsterdam Marathon PB: 3:23:50

Amsterdam Marathon PB: 3:23:50

I guess you can made an educated guess about what you are capable of doing, and then letting your body show you how right you were View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly D (@delanthear) My third marathon, after York (thrown in the deep end) and Venice (let’s actually do some planning for this) was always going to be interesting. Venice had given me a bit of a taste of what I could do with a half…

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Sheffield 10k 2017: 40:33 New PB!

Sheffield 10k 2017: 40:33 New PB!

I honestly cant believe this time. You know how when people seem to play down how well they are expecting to run? “I’m tired, it wont be as fast as I want”, “I pulled something the other day” or “My training has been really poor”? This definitely WASN’T one of those times! I was telling people pretty much all weekend that being as this run was right at the end of my marathon training that I didn’t expect to get…

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Grenochase 2017

Grenochase 2017

The Grenochase is sort of the local run for Andy, being just up the hill from his. Usually it clashes with the Tramlines festival, so it gets ignored but this year there was no clash, so he signed up. And then Martin followed, and then under some pressure Liz and I joined up. Friday soon rolled around, and we all found ourselves scrabbling to leave work early to get to Andy’s so we could get changed and begin the walk…

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White Peak 26k Trail Race 2017

White Peak 26k Trail Race 2017

After we completed the Langsett Trail 10k back in February, Martin and I were taken with some sudden enthusiasm to sign up for another race. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly D (@delanthear) We found this one while browsing SIEntires and promptly signed up, all enthusiastic. Liz was a little less enthusiastic but was convinced eventually. Feeling like I’d be well into my training post Sheffield Half Marathon and getting ready for the Round Sheffield Run…

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Langsett Trail 10k 2017

Langsett Trail 10k 2017

Oooh, another trail run! While trying to stick to my training plan for the Sheffield Half coming up in April, I’m constantly being tempted into races. I’m not quite sure who put me on to The Langsett Trail runs (might have been Lindsey) but being as this one was just up the road, I really couldn’t resist. There was an option of a 10k, or 13 mile route and I opted for the 10k.  I’m not really sure why I…

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2017 12k Resolution Trail Run

2017 12k Resolution Trail Run

First race of the year done!  Even though I’m supposed to be training for the Sheffield half right now, I couldn’t resist signing up for this one.  The Resolution Run is a 12k or 6k run around Rother Valley Country Park, a 30 minute drive away.  It would have been rude not to! I signed up for the 12k, a race distance I’ve never done before, so I was a little confused about how to run it, especially based on feeling…

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The new Sheffield 10k, 2016

The new Sheffield 10k, 2016

I’ve been 5k training since the Round Sheffield Run back in July as I’ve never managed to beat 20mins. The idea was to train a bit and once I got to the end of the Endomondo training plan do a Rother Valley (reasonably flat) parkrun. Somewhere along the line, I got convinced to sign up for the Sheffield 10k, so tweaked my 5k plan to land on this date, figuring that the speed work on that plan should help with…

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Round Sheffield Run

Round Sheffield Run

Wow. What a run. Very muddy following the rainfall yesterday, but a glorious day for it. Well organised, although the signs disappeared on the last 2 sections, and a great day. Paul and I were in a team and aiming to beat his previous time of 1hr 32mins 56secs which was going to be tough as last year he was on form for a marathon run a month later. This time, although I was in ok shape, Paul was recovering…

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Venice Marathon. New PB!

Venice Marathon. New PB!

Holy Crap. Endomondo was predicting 3h:37m:59s which I wasn’t expecting to hit at all, especially with what felt like a really disrupted last month of training. I really had no idea of how to run it, so was really quite nervous. Even worse, my left leg appeared to start going dead on me. I spent a good chunk of Saturday wandering around Venice getting more paranoid about it as I seemed to be constantly on the edge of cramp in…

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