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Category: Training

Challenges new, Sunny España and the KMF Double

Challenges new, Sunny España and the KMF Double

Argh! Well overdue for a blog post. I started this thinking I could just update about the two races I’d just done, but I’ve realised my last post was for Font last year and there has actually been quite a bit happen since then! So, what’s happened? Climbing I’m been taking advantage of my part-time work life and have been doing quite a bit of indoor roped climbing. Not really sure if I’d mentioned this on here, but pretty much…

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2023 and I’m not injured.. yet.

2023 and I’m not injured.. yet.

For the first time in 2 years, I’ve managed to get through November and December without succumbing to some sort of ankle injury. Ish. The end of 2020 and 2021 saw something getting sore in my right foot, probably either the Peroneus Longus or Brevis tendon inflamed where it attaches to, or crosses under the foot. Both times it knocked me out of action for probably 2 months while it calmed down. This then meant 2 more months getting anywhere…

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EMBRACE! Targeted Run Day

EMBRACE! Targeted Run Day

The last day of running in what has been a fairly full on little holiday. Starting from Saturday when we arrived I’ve done around 75k and it’s not finished yet! Today is the Lagos Town targeted run. It’s a 5mile/8k figure of 8 loop, with an aid station in the middle of it. This means you can do any number of full or partial laps and be supported for whatever you’re aiming for. The coaches work with you to take…

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EMBRACE! Track day

EMBRACE! Track day

Yay! It’s track day. I do love a good speedy track session. Today’s plan after an additional 30mins lie in, was to head to the Lagos running track and after a 1 mile warm up, do 4 sets of 800m/400m/200m intervals, each with 70secs recovery between and a slow 200m walk between sets. Ugh 800ms! Checking out my track stats from my last Embrace trip, we’d done 12x400m with the 400m intervals at about 3:45mins/km, so I had a rough…

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EMBRACE! Portugal Running.

EMBRACE! Portugal Running.

I’m out in Portugal on another Embrace Sports running holiday. I’ve been out here twice before, but never managed to really write about it beyond the odd mention in summary posts. Let’s see if I can do the holiday a bit of justice. Liz and I flew out yesterday (Saturday) after a pretty over crowded train journey to Manchester airport. Why can’t Virgin trains get their act together so getting to the airport with luggage isn’t a complete nightmare? The…

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Fontainebleau 2018 – Day 2

Fontainebleau 2018 – Day 2

Day 2, first day of climbing. We had a slow morning (like we kid ourselves any morning will be quicker) opened with fresh grapefruit, fried eggs on nice toast and lots of coffee before heading to our first climbing area of the holiday. Jim and Lolly suggested we all meet up at La Ségognole which turned out to be a few minutes up the road from our gite. I’d never been here before as it wasn’t in any of the…

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Fontainebleau 2017

Fontainebleau 2017

Day 1 – Rocher Fin After a bit of a slow morning, but with the great traditional breakfast of fresh coffee, sugary grapefruit and fried eggs on marmity toast we set off to Rocher Fin. It’s down as one of the longer walk ins in the Trois Pignons but it really didn’t seem that long. It’s was mostly a long trek along the Chemin De La Mée and then a little bit of faff at the end where we found…

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Circuit des 25 Bosses: Simultaneously the best and worst long training run of my life.

Circuit des 25 Bosses: Simultaneously the best and worst long training run of my life.

I needed to do a 32k long run while out on holiday in France. We’re right next to a lovely wood, but also not far away from the Trois Pignon where loads of awesome climbing areas are. While pondering what route to plot out, Andy suggested I run the “Circuit des 25 Bosses”. Checking it out, it appears to be a circuit around 25 “mounds” in the Trois Pignon, taking in a lot of the climbing areas. What a great…

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August and July Round Up

August and July Round Up

Christ, what happened to July and August?   They’ve just flown by like crazy in a haze of work, course, climbing and running related busyness, and still I’m rushing!  Ok, well here is a quick round up of the last two months:

Hills Made Easy with Accelerate Part 2.

Hills Made Easy with Accelerate Part 2.

On Thursday we had the second session in our Hills Made Easy workshop with Accelerate. Both Liz and I were feeling a little under the weather; Liz having quite sore quads from running and climbing earlier in the week, and I was starting to come down with some sort of sore throat/coldy thing. Still, we soldiered on and were blessed with much nicer weather. There was a touch of wind, but once we were in the Rivelin valley and under the…

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