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Category: Race

Spring Trail Series – Grindleford

Spring Trail Series – Grindleford

Time for round two, this time a little closer to home than Bakewell. This race, Liz was hale and hearty and was going to run it! Yay! She was going to be accompanied by Martin (who really needs to update his blog…) as she was a bit nervous of a self navigated trail run, especially after my mishaps last time… This meant we got a lift from Martin, which was really handy. It was only a 30 minute drive to…

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(Don’t) follow the leader. Spring Trail Series – Bakewell

(Don’t) follow the leader. Spring Trail Series – Bakewell

This year I managed to sign up for the full Spring Trail Series hosted by Dark and White Events. This is three 15k-ish up and down the hills in the Peak District during the spring. I’ve run a couple of their events before, and was really looking forward do this. Last year, I ran the last event in the series at Low Bradfield and came well into the “Gold” pace bracket, setting me up for what I hoped would be…

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I’d never run a 5 mile race

I’d never run a 5 mile race

and I still haven’t…! But before that, the first “race” since my last update: Just a Hillsborough Parkrun, but it was on the Sheffield Running Club championship calendar, so counts for their competition. Annoyingly I’d succumbed to the lurg at the back end of January, which included a couple of days struck down on the sofa. Although I’d resurfaced from that mostly, it appeared that I caught another cold! 🙁 This meant that instead of getting a good chance to…

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Yorkshire Cross Country Championships 2019

Yorkshire Cross Country Championships 2019

(picture from Original can be seen here) My first race of the year for Sheffield Running Club was up at Ripon at Lightwater Valley Park which makes an interesting venue for a race! Setting off at 9:30ish, we got there just before 11 and with the Mens race not starting till after 2pm, we had quite a bit of time to kill! The course was on a field entirely inside the tracks of “The Ultimate” the big roller coaster, with…

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Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

I’ve been really bad at doing any updates here, with the exception of the splurge while I was out at Fontainebleau. I’m not really sure why the blogging died off, as I was enjoying, it, but I suspect it’s just a factor of being so much more busy recently. In the last year, I’ve gone 3 days a week in my desk job, and then filling in the rest of the time doing Sports Massage (under Rock Run Relax) and…

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Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

Wow, what a year 2017 has been. I’ve missed a few round up posts since my Marathon in October mostly down to being extremely busy, but also because the running has got a bit erratic based on that busyness and a bit of lack of focus, but Facebook “memory” surfaced the other day which really highlighted how much of a tremendous year this has been for my running. Perhaps not for the climbing, but definitely on the running. But first,…

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Amsterdam Marathon PB: 3:23:50

Amsterdam Marathon PB: 3:23:50

I guess you can made an educated guess about what you are capable of doing, and then letting your body show you how right you were View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly D (@delanthear) My third marathon, after York (thrown in the deep end) and Venice (let’s actually do some planning for this) was always going to be interesting. Venice had given me a bit of a taste of what I could do with a half…

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Sheffield 10k 2017: 40:33 New PB!

Sheffield 10k 2017: 40:33 New PB!

I honestly cant believe this time. You know how when people seem to play down how well they are expecting to run? “I’m tired, it wont be as fast as I want”, “I pulled something the other day” or “My training has been really poor”? This definitely WASN’T one of those times! I was telling people pretty much all weekend that being as this run was right at the end of my marathon training that I didn’t expect to get…

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Grenochase 2017

Grenochase 2017

The Grenochase is sort of the local run for Andy, being just up the hill from his. Usually it clashes with the Tramlines festival, so it gets ignored but this year there was no clash, so he signed up. And then Martin followed, and then under some pressure Liz and I joined up. Friday soon rolled around, and we all found ourselves scrabbling to leave work early to get to Andy’s so we could get changed and begin the walk…

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Last Minute Races: The Oxspring Hunshelf Amble

Last Minute Races: The Oxspring Hunshelf Amble

There I was, working on my massage write ups when up popped a message from Lindsey.  “Are you running the Oxspring Hunshelf Amble tomorrow?”.  You can imagine how the rest of that conversation went! I couldn’t get to the start without help, so Lindsey offered to pick me up from Lidl carpark in Stocksbridge.  That meant a quick tram and bus from home at about 8:30, meeting for the pick up at almost 9:30. It was a short drive from…

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