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Category: General

Year Round Up and Next Year

Year Round Up and Next Year

So, how has 2014 been for my climbing? Mostly pretty lousy to be honest, but if you read my last post, I’ve explained all that! However, on the bright side, I’ve got myself in decent running shape, and I’m ending the year carefully getting back on the Bouldering wagon. So, on the running. For the past few months I’ve attempting to be improving my 5k time, (I.e. I really want a sub 20 min 5k!) and I’ve been following an…

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Getting back on the Wagon

Getting back on the Wagon

So, it’s another of those “I fell off the Wagon, I’m getting back on” posts. Except it isn’t really, I think. I dunno. I broke my thumb, which kinda messed stuff up a bit, but still went to Font and climbed with it. When I got back, work was really busy, and I just couldn’t get straight back into it… So, here I am, not quite in shape, getting frustrated at not being able to climb stuff that should be…

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A critical error has occurred: Operation Fail.

A critical error has occurred: Operation Fail.

I’ve been meaning to post in here for ages.  I’ve been doing quite a bit of climbing recently, bouldering twice a week and getting back on the leading band wagon.  Frankly, it’s been great.   Even better, I’ve booked another climbing holiday:  10 days out bouldering again in Fontainebleau taking advantage of the long Easter weekend and that random wedding thing. It’s getting close to the end of the financial year and I had 8 days of holiday to take, so…

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Back from the dead.

Back from the dead.

About 6 months ago I accidently dropped the database behind this site (and quite a few others).  Doh.  Poof.  It all disappeared.  I shrugged, tried to remember the last time I posted and decided not to try and fix it. Today it occurred to me that I could actually recover most of this as I’d been using a cross poster to post all the entries to the twinned livejournal account I have.  So this evening I fixed it..  kinda! Some…

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Outdoors in the Sun!

Outdoors in the Sun!

Been getting loads more climbing outdoors this year so far. Great fun! More info later (hopefully!) but if you want to see what I’ve been working on, check my ukclimbing log Oh yes…. I’M GOING TO FONT NEXT WEEK! Bit of a short notice holiday, but hell, why not! If you know ANYTHING that might be helpful, add it as a comment to the Fontainebleau planning page. *squee!*



I seem to have entirely failed to keep my blog up to date. Ah well! I’m not going to recount all I’ve missed, that might take too long. Instead I’ll continue as I was going…. TARGETS! I’ve decided my targets for 09: 1) Lead a 7b. Ouch. I’ve managed a couple of 7a’s in the past year, and they’ve remained hard, but I’ve not been able to push harder than that. I really need to work on pushing through this…

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Epic Week?

Epic Week?

This week is a little manic from a climbing pov. Although I dropped out of my normal climbing session on Wednesday due to feeling a bit rough from an incoming chesty cough, I made it to the Bouldering competition yesterday. I’ve just got back in from another bouldering session at the Foundy, and on Sunday I’m planning on going to Redpoint in Birmingham to do a session on the BMC Leading Ladder. Just to cap it off, Monday is the…

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